
Hi! I'm Rachelle Marshall, owner + artist here at CLOVE+FIG. I'm wife to a handsome kiwi (from New Zealand), mama to two beautiful adoption miracles and two bossy dogs. I am half Samoan and was born and raised in Missouri but now call Utah home. I am grateful to be able to do something I love. A few years ago I posted a picture of my church notes from General Conference on social media and the rest, as they say, is history. I have loved connecting with people from all around the world.
A favorite quote today is, "We did not come to earth to gain self-worth; we brought it with us." We are already enough because we are His.
Words have always helped me process feelings whether it was writing little poems in my journal, songs as a missionary, or scribbling quotes to remember. Words have helped me walk through infertility and led me to adoption, the place where my children were waiting. They have helped me journey through an eating disorder, depression, anxiety, and the road to recovery.. I am soo grateful for the power of words.
Words matter. The words we put out in the world and the words we say to ourselves. Instead of seeking perfection or comparing ourselves to others, I invite you to come along:
[C] more [LOVE] in this world + [FIG]ure out your road.
Because finding those things we were meant to do can set our souls on fire and that, my friends, is where the magic happens.
xoxo, rachelle